Benedictine College School of Osteopathic Medicine Proposed

Support the Medical School Project

Thank you for considering a donation to Benedictine College in support of our vision to establish a medical school that will shape the future of healthcare in America. Your gift will help Benedictine College hire top-tier faculty, led by a distinguished Dean, develop a world-class curriculum, and cover essential expenses in preparation for opening the proposed School of Osteopathic Medicine.

To give online, make your gift right now using our secure online giving form.

To give by phone, please call 913-360-7414.

To give by mail, please enclose a check payable to Benedictine College to:

Benedictine College
ATTN: James Kew
Office of Advancement
1020 North Second Street
Atchison, KS 66002-1499

If you wish to discuss major gifts or other donation plans, please contact:

Dcn. Stan Sluder

Executive Vice President


Stephen Minnis

Stephen D. Minnis ’82



Kelly Vowels

Kelly J. Vowels ’85

Vice President for Advancement
